Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Almost there...

Well, as most of you know, Lorien is already in Abu Dhabi, and i should be there in a couple of weeks... This blog is for a lot of folks who don't have facebook, and still want to follow us over in the UAE. Hopefully it will give you a taste of what we are doing, and what life is like for us and others in Abu Dhabi...

The last few weeks have been pretty crazy... Lorien is running around over there getting paperwork done, visas for me to come over, work orientations, furniture allowances, in short lots of little things that are time consuming. And waiting for a cab for 45 mins in 40 degree heat kind of takes the fun out of things...

But i still get phone calls and texts and pics of fun little things she is doing that could only be happening in AD. Like the call to prayer over the loudspeakers, which i can hear through skype. Or the video she sent of our new apartment we should be into in a couple of weeks... Or the 3 guys on the camel in the mall singing at the top of their lungs as ramadan comes to an end.
Pretty cool, i can't wait for the culture shock, i am looking forward to it...

As for me, i have been getting Tinsley set to travel, getting our shipment ready for transport, moving out of our apartment, and getting our stuff brought down to our parents. Oh yeah, and still trying to concentrate at work while thinking of all the documents i need to send to various people...

I will post more when i am overseas... looking forward to several going away parties, and looking forward to seeing Lorien...